The Ultimate Single Kitchen





Put your noodles (best suited are Penne, Spirelli, the tougher ones) on the bottom of your microwave-safe bowl, add vegetable (whole) and spices, a bit of salt, (maybe mushrooms) and two mugs full of water.
Put into microwave uncovered, set microwave on Low, for 35 minutes.
If the noodles haven't been cooked, set microwave on medium low, 35 minutes. That should do it.
Only the first time you have to start with a real low setting, because if the whole thing boils over, your microwave could be dammaged.
So, patience, just for the first time, until you know.

Now comes the creative part.
Add spices, Cayenne Pepper, one glove of garlic, cut into little splitters, and Olive Oil.
(Important - never put in the Olive oil before cooking!)
Cut up the vegetable.

There are about - some probability specialists, help - uncounted amounts of possibilities, variations - spices make all the difference.
Experiment. Try them singly, then combine.
If this is too much for you, there are all kinds of combinations available. Start with Italian, or French (Herbes de Provence) herb mixtures. Start with little Cayenne pepper. Or use the herbs of your own ethnic background.

Bon appetit!

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